Leadership Team
Todd Winkler - Senior Pastor

Todd & Robin Winkler sensed God moving them from their Youth Pastor position in Cleveland, OH in 1993. Through God’s direction, they planted Cornerstone Christian Church in Bessemer, MI in 1994. As the Church grew in faith and in number, their arose an opportunity to “trade” Church buildings with the Catholic Church in Ramsay, MI where Cornerstone Church is located to this day.
Todd has his degree in Pastoral Studies from North Central University. He has been married to Robin for 27 years, and they have two adult children. Pastor Todd has a passion for youth, and camp has been a wonderful tool to reach kids for Jesus. Over these many years the seeds planted at Camp Cornerstone have blossomed into a phenomenal harvest. Pastor Todd is a hard-working, down-to-earth, godly man who loves to see people come to faith in Jesus both inside and outside of the Church.
Robin is an integral part of the children’s and women’s ministries and has a real passion for prayer. She is a Bible teacher, preacher, servant, and shepherd to many. Her life very much resembles that of the Proverbs 31 woman, though she would never say that about herself.
Having just celebrated 25 years in the ministry of Cornerstone Church, Todd & Robin are only just beginning with a fresh anointing, a blessed calling, and a renewed passion to see people saved, healed, set free, and growing in their faith.
Todd & Robin believe that it’s all about Jesus and that truth is at the very heart of all that is done at Cornerstone Church.
May the next twenty years be blessed more abundantly than the first twenty, and to God be the glory for the great things He has done, is doing, and will do!
Roy Speck - Lay Pastor
Pastor Roy, AAKA (Also Affectionately Known As) Papa Roy, is a seasoned minister of the Gospel whose sole purpose is to glorify God in everything he does at Cornerstone Church and beyond. Before coming to Cornerstone Church as Associate Pastor in 1995, he was the Senior Pastor of three churches.
Pastor Roy believes that prayer is the very foundation upon which all spiritual endeavors will succeed. Even though Pastor Roy has been walking with Jesus for a very long time (more than 40 years), he remains teachable and reachable with a truly humble heart that desires to serve Jesus above all else.
Pastor Roy is a Bible teacher, preacher, shepherd and a prayer warrior. In addition to all of that great stuff, he is a father, a grandpa, and an avid gold prospector! While he does search for tangible gold, his greatest goal in this life is to be a prospector for Jesus and to finish his race well, hearing these words from his Lord in the end, “Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of your Master.” He encourages all of us to “Keep looking up!”

Denise Haas - Worship Leader
Denise is married and has two grown sons. She has been leading worship for the past 30 years. In that time she has been passionate and purposeful about singing exclusively for the Lord. She has written and taught the “Worship Team Course,” and “Worship Leader Course.” Denise’s corporate worship philosophy is to “just lead by worshiping.” She chooses songs that glorify Jesus and appreciates both the traditional and contemporary styles of praise and worship songs. Besides leading worship at Cornerstone, Denise enjoys Bible study, writing in a local newspaper, singing in an a cappella group, writing songs and parodies, being Big D in Big D & the Good News Blues, and riding her motorcycle.
Denise is a transplant from Florida and absolutely LOVES living in the U.P. Her motto is, “I wasn’t born in the U.P., but I got here as soon as I could!” (source of quote unknown).
“Worship is about God and Who He is, but it’s also about who we are and our complete need to surrender to Him. The songs we do in a worship service will reflect both of those aspects. That said, ultimately, we don’t need songs to worship God, we just need a heart that wants to please Him in everything we do.” Big D

Joshua & Heidi Vineyard - Youth & Young Adults
Joshua & Heidi are the newest additions to Cornerstone Church and newly-weds ta boot!
With great experience as a missionary and a leader at Cornerstone Camp, Joshua comes to our staff bringing new life and vision to this next generation.
See calendar for weekly youth meetings.